
The Secrets Of Almeria

Spent holiday in Spain In Both CAN Be a blessing and a nightmare. Well, the peak season in Spain Means really overcrowded beaches and packed restaurants. This amazing Spanish ITS region managed to keep secrets for years But Those Who Are in Love with Discovering new places, started to explore it and What They've found is really rewarding. Almeria is a land of undiscovered beaches, unspoilt landscapes, national parks Which wait to Be discovered and events to desert you Which Offers The Possibility to relax and enjoy the beauty of These diverse surroundings.

A world of fascination

When you set foot on the land of Almeria, Also you set foot on one of the Biggest movie sets. I know, What you just read is very confusing Probably, But You are about to find out That Almeria is a place WHERE Many Their directors chose to shoot movies. The famous "Lawrence of Arabia" Was filmed in the wide open spaces of Almeria's desert, while Thousands of Other Movies Used the setting of the beautiful beach at Cabo de Gata. The question now rises That is Why was not too popular Almeria Among Investors? Why Did not Develop in the tourism industry Such a beautiful place for so long? The answer is very simple: The Investors Did not bother to deal with Problems like building electricity lines and airports. This is the reason why Such a remote WAS Almeria, pero Such a beautiful place to visit, it is a region That Remained pure and clean you THROUGHOUT the Centuries and the Place That Still Keeps alive the essence of Spain.

The land of extremes

When you travel to Almeria, it is impossible Not to visit the Tabernas Desert. In the opposite direction the beaches patiently wait for you, as does the crystal clear water of the sea. Enjoy the beauty of Almeria!


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