
The Charm and History of the City of Paris

Paris was born on the "Ile de la Cité, the cross between canals and streets. River Seine and the child suangainya provide transportation through the water, while the flow is to provide stones for the building. The people of Paris seem to occupy this region in the mid-third century BC. Caesar held a meeting in their city, Lutetia, in the year 53 BC In 52 years, the rebel merekamereka Vercingétorix.Letnan calls Caesar, namely Labienus, slaughtered them.

The Roman conquerors built a new city on a hill, the left side. Ile de la Cité seems to have played a secondary role at that time. Invasion of the Germanik at the end of the third century AD. Gallo-Romans destroyed the city. In the fourth and fifth century AD, Paris played a crucial strategic role. The military emperors who defended the northern border and east to stay there: Julian the Apostate in the year 357-358, 359-360 later years, Valentinian 365 years and 366 years. Around the years that in Lutetia Julian, promoted to the level of Augustus by his soldiers (360 BC.), So the city is losing its name and was named Paris.

Paris region attracted some 45 million tourists per year, of which 60% came from other countries. Paris is an icon of many landmarks, museums, cathedrals, and other renowned institutions. Your trip to Paris is incomplete without a visit to this Gothic architectural wonders. This is one of the cathedral of the most beautiful in the world located in Europe. Other attractions that may take your breath is a dramatic tower, roof, stained glass and statues.

The Cathedral of Notre Dame has become the heartbeat of Paris. It took nearly 100 years to build this place. When it was restored and saved from destruction by one of France's most famous architecture. The name Notre Dame means Our Lady" in French and is also used in building the Catholic Church. Notre Dame de France is one of the first Gothic cathedral built in the Gothic period.

For those who are always shopping, Paris is paradise as you get the best deals on branded clothing and accessories here. Elsewhere in the world, they are sold with a colossal price, under the tag Made in Paris. But in Paris, you can buy a very affordable price of the vessel at the Saint Ouen Flea Market and other flea markets. This is a myth that the best is what you get in boutiques and high street shops.

For art lovers, Paris is also the rest of France has a good number of monuments, chapel, museum and other architectural buildings are reminiscent of the art of the era was over, the early Renaissance. This is where you will see the Louvre, home to many Renaissance paintings including the Mona Lisa and The Madonna of the Rocks. Even before entering the museum, you will be surprised with a pyramid-shaped structure of the company, in a thousand glittering lights. Then there is the Eiffel Tower, Cleopatra's Needle, Flame of freedom and many more.

There are five bells at Notre Dame. The Emmanuel, also called the Bourdon bell towers are situated in the South who weighed over 13 tons, and work hard to mark the beginning of each day and mark the hours every day. It is also used at some times and services. There are four other bells were present in the North tower swings the rattle.

There are so many reasons to visit this fascinating city that you can not decide which one you truly obey. Came here to attend a world class fashion show, cheer on the cyclists in the Tour de France tournament, give your tongue treat fun with authentic French wine and cooking, about visiting a variety of architectural interest or if nothing else, then sat on the edge the river and watch the people walking in the early evening.


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