
The visit to the Expo 2010 Shanghai World

Shanghai World Expo will be the biggest event in history, with 192 countries and 50 international organizations have confirmed participation. 70 million visitors are expected from domestic and abroad to attend this world event. More than 20,000 art show to be held during the Expo. Theme Better City, Better Life, the World Expo 2010 Shanghai express common hopes of mankind for a better future and a better city life. From May 1 to Oct1, 31 in 2010, the Expo Shanghai World will be held in downtown Shanghai. The site is located on the banks of the Huangpu River between Nanpu Bridge and Lupu Bridge.

In 1800, only 2 percent of the world's population live in cities, howeverby 1950, that number increased to 29 percent, and in 2000, nearly half the world's population has moved to the cities. The United Nations estimates the urban population will account for 55 percent of the total human population in the year 2010. Despite all its glory, there is no denying that the city today, because of high density living patterns, faces a series of challenges, such as spatial conflicts, cultural conflicts, lack of resources and environmental degeneration. Without effective controls, the expansion is resolved in cities will exacerbate these problems and consequently erode the quality of urban life.

This exhibition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, that speaks volumes about where the world hopes on China's future development. especially after the year 2008 succeeded in the Beijing Summer Olympics. Now more than ever, it is time to discover China!. Although you may be more familiar with the term World's Fair, the Fair continues to capture our collective imagination with a gallery of human inspiration and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Industry of All Nations held in London, world expositions have achieved increasing prominence as a major event for the economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, to show esprit de Corps and articulate a vision of what the future will hold. World Expo 2010 is unique in many respects.

Why do you and your family should visit the Shanghai World Expo in 2010? That's because you can learn about the latest technology for Better City, Better Life show off by more than 192 countries around the world. . This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new friends from literally all over the world! There has never been greater welcoming ceremony to launch the tour in all of China - the world's fastest economic growth. This event is open to the public for six months - May 1 to October 31, 2010. You can find China tour packages offered by tour operators such as Asia Classic Tours that include a free ticket to the expo.


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