
Lombok Not Lose With Beautiful Bali

In the early 17th century, the Kingdom of Karangasem Bali successfully embed its influence in the western island of Lombok and in the year 1750 throughout the region PulauLombok successfully mastered the Hindu kingdom of Bali.

With strong knowledge of Bali Lombok Island, then people came to Lombok, Bali and at the same time bringing their culture to Lombok. But the conflict between the royal family led to power in Lombok divided into four smaller kingdoms. In 1838, the Kingdom of Mataram of Java, Lombok and also overran and then conquered the Kingdom of Karangasem on Bali. Mataram, Lombok with Karangasem then unite under his authority.

In west Lombok, the Sasak tribe located in that region can receive the arrival of the Balinese in their area and life in between the two tribes had to walk in harmony. Marriage between people of Sasak and Bali at the time it becomes commonplace. Sasak people also learn from the Balinese Subak about agricultural irrigation methods.

Lombok Island is located east of Bali and has white sandy beaches, tropical climate and friendly people. Mount Rinjani National Park is also located here which has the third largest volcano in Indonesia with a size of 3726 meters. The best time to plan your trip is from May to October. The peak holiday season during the months of July and August, so you should plan your trip early and make sure you have a reservation in advance.

You can also enjoy the best vacation in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). The island also has become an attractive tourist area. Special case of this island is to visit the Three Gili, located near the coast of Senggigi, Gili Trawangan, Meno, and Air. However, still many exciting destinations to visit in West Nusa Tenggara.
The following are 10 tourist areas of the island that could be your choice to spend your vacation.
1. Metro Mataram is yamg herorientasi sights and culinary purposes culture.
2. Senggigi with Three Gili (Gili Trawangan, Meno and Air) is a tourist area for maritime conventions and exotic destination.
3. Mount Rinjani National Park (TNGR) is such that I inform you above which has a charming natural attractions and challenging.
4. Corridor Tano, Pond, Gili Kramat, Alas Utan, and is a place Agrotamase suitable for maritime tourism, culinary, and cultural purposes.
5. Moyo Island and the Gulf region Saleh marine tourism.
6. Mount Tambora area is the natural and cultural tourism.
7. The main corridor Dompu-Sape also oriented with the maritime, cultural and culinary tours.
8. Corridor south of Lombok island, which is a maritime Sekotong-Kuta, culinary,
culture, tourism and conventions.
9. Corridor Mataram-Lombok International Airport is the natural and cultural tourism.
10. Always Legini is a tourist area that is suitable for the purpose of nature interesting.

So what type of vacation you're looking for? Do you want to just relax and do nothing? Or maybe you want a vacation filled with many activities that have interesting scenery accompanied by a gentle wind-sepoi.atau maybe you prefer the challenge of an exotic adventure full of nightlife and shopping. It's up to the taste of each, and now we're going to step in Sengigi.

There are many activities to do on the island of Lombok. You can do rock climbing, scuba diving, trekking, biking, sailing, snorkeling, bamboo rafting, surfing, fishing, boating, paragliding, parasailing, and even play golf. Travel to the mountain or in a natural path. Most trips are usually done with an average of 15 to 20 people and was accompanied by local guides. You can even go camping and see some of the natural animals and vegetation.

You may be overwhelmed with all the activities and adventures that happen here. You may decide not to do anything but just meditate, relax, and pamper yourself can be done here also. Whatever your ideal vacation is when you come to the island of Lombok. This is a quiet place with stunning beauty and a soothing flow of water your senses. The colors are so alive seems to have been painted by the Creator in such a way. You can also take a small trip or a tour to see the local plant life. There are also wetlands that you can see and enjoy. The main town of scattered light Sengigi lot more lively at night and adds a delicious meal and interspersed with many restaurants serving food that would make you sure to find something you'd like to remind you of your visit and do not miss other unique items can be made as souvenirs or gift.

Senggigi Beach is the perfect place to relax, Senggigi offers a series of white sandy beach and safe swimming areas. Point at the center of Senggigi has good waves for surfers. This place has the colorful coral reefs that provide shelter for a variety of marine life and beautiful coral shapped and make it the perfect place to snorkle

One of the objects of nature tourism in the island that began the famous Mad Singang Waterfall located in the region of West Lombok. Gila Waterfall Singang signed in Rinjani Mountain region that has been known previously by the Lake Segara Anak located dipuncak mountain with an altitude of 3726 meters, is located approximately 80 kilometers from Mataram. Can be reached by quite a long journey of about two to three hours past the point of Mataram Senggigi Beach tourist attraction areas.

Visitors who come to the Mad Singang NTB not only local communities, but there are also a number of foreign tourists who always seemed eager to enjoy the panorama while photographed. To reach the location of the waterfall, visitors must first be down about 300 stairs after paying a ticket at the entrance. Many visitors were admitted shaking under his feet so until after hundreds of children down the stairs. But soon faded when she saw the beauty of these waterfalls plus a water play so clean, clear and cold.

Most visitors, especially usually bathe in the running waterfall originating from a height of hundreds of meters. Meanwhile, foreign tourists usually come to see her cool pose-image in the air near a waterfall with pond water is cool, rocky and not too wide in. A number of visitors hoped local governments may pay more attention to the location of facilities that a tourist attraction, especially many of the handle is made of iron which acts as a safety and a maid of people down or climb hundreds of stairs that is broken, but many positions stairs are located slightly closer to the edge so that could create the impression horrible and alarming, especially when someone loses balance.


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