
Aspects of Life in Brazil

Brazil is only inhabited by indigenous peoples, especially from the Tupi, and Guarani ethnic groups. Actual completed by the Portuguese and then began a century, with timber extraction of valuable pau-brasil, from which country an attractive name. Brazil is not settled by the Portuguese and Spanish (as the rest of Central and South America in the New World was because of the Papal Line of Demarcation). After three centuries under the rule of Portugal, Brazil became an independent state on September 7th, 1822. So far, the country's largest and most populous city in South America, but also cope with more than two decades (1964-1988) military intervention in the governance of the country to pursue a democratic decision, while facing the challenge to maintain the company's industrial and agricultural growth and development of the interior.

Utilization of the vast natural resources and large labor pool, today Brazil is South America's leading economic power and regional leader. Highly unequal income distribution remains a pressing problem. The consequence of this is a high crime rate, especially in big cities. Because of Brazil's continental dimensions, varied geography, history and people, rich and diverse culture. It has several regional variations, and although largely united by one language, some regions are very different from each other that they could become different countries altogether.

Mixture of martial arts, dance, music and game, capoeira was brought to Brazil by African slaves, mainly from Portuguese Angola. Differentiated with agile movements and intricate music that accompanies it, can see and do in many cities of Brazil. Styles like choro, samba and bossa nova are considered truly Brazilian. Caipira music is also at the root sertanejo (the national equivalent to country music).

Candomble and Umbanda are religions with African roots that has endured prejudice and persecution and still have a significant in Brazil. cult place they called terreiros and many are open to visit. custom features can be found everywhere in Brazilian culture, from cuisine to vocabulary. There are still many indigenous groups and tribes that live in all regions of Brazil, even though many have been heavily influenced by western culture, and some languages are still living in the country it is customary in danger of disappearing completely.


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