
History of New York and the hustle and bustle of breathing

New York in the early 17th century was inhabited by Native Americans, the Algonquian Indian tribes, the Iroquois, and Lenape who at the same time the Dutch and the French began to enter this area. The first confession was made by Henry Hudson in 1609, this region belonged to the Dutch who came forward inhabit Fort Orange, near the site of what is now the capital of New York, Albany, New York in 1614 and in 1624 colonized by the Dutch, both in Albany and Manhattan; later fell to England in 1664 when captured.

About a third of the battle [Revolutionary War] happens in New York. New York became an independent state on July 9, 1776 and made the Law in New York in 1777. New York state law passed in the United States in 1788, and became the 11th state. New York City also is a U.S. state capital city, New York. The city is a giant machine for the world economy. New York City known for its history as a gateway for immigrants entering the United States and its status as a financial center, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing.

New York is a state of the United States are located in the area (region) between the Middle Atlantic and Northeast of the United States. With 62 district (counties) makes the New York state's third-largest population in the United States. New York degan bordering states Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and shares borders with water with Rhode Island as well as the international border with the Canadian provinces, namely Quebec and Ontario. New York has five major cities, namely: New York City (the largest city in the United States), Buffalo, Rochester, Yonkers, and Syracuse.

We know that this is a city located in the U.S. and very expensive cities and beautiful at the same time. But it was not the proper way of evaluation. You must be more attentive while assessing the pros and cons of cities like New York. Frankly, this is a city for lovers of the extreme will enjoy every moment by the drinks boozes or soft drinks or spending at bars and restaurants.

There's the adrenaline of the retail mall and plaza where you will fulfill your dream by buying a product and a beautiful collection. Nightlife in New York is another point of attraction and you will be overwhelmed to spend the night in bars and discotheques fascinating. New York will transform your simple lifestyle. You will feel the difference when you visit this wonderful city to spend the holidays next time.

Night life in New York is very glamorous, and people who have visited the beautiful city have expressed their deep satisfaction and fulfillment for the stunning beauty and brightness of New York. This is the city for the extreme joy and happiness. From sports, theater, drama, literature, art and shopping for food consumption, in every field of activity, New York has made very good progress.

When looking for a hotel in New York City, you must decide first location. If you plan to spend all your time attending Broadway then you should try to say in the downtown area. Likewise, if you will go to South Street Seaport and Wall Street area then you should plan to stay in Lower Manhattan. By doing this, you will save much time and money. The traffic is always busy and many taxi cab can run for your money. Can walk to places not only save money, but it is good for your health.

If you're looking for some of the best hotels to visit New York, make sure you look at Soho House New York, the Hotel on Rivington 60th Thompson.


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