
Many incredible things in Canterbury

All of the Canterbury region known as the British style and comeliness. Here is more impressive than at the botanical garden, we can be more integrated with the indigenous population of New Zealand and be able to enjoy the flowers and exotic plants. This is a beautiful park to walk through, and at one end there is a good cafe to sit and drink tea, and on the other Canterbury Museum where you can learn more about the founding members of the city and some history about New Zealand in general.

There are many fun activities and events going on around the Garden City, which may be difficult to fit in everything you want to do. Once you reach the museum, you are also close to the Art Center, which is used as the original basis for the university. This collection of stone buildings are now home to some respected craft, as well as the life and bustle in the market which took place on Saturday and Sunday.

Of course if you have not visited, before continuing the journey to the Antarctic Centre is a great way to spend the afternoon. There is also a beautiful aquarium that can be enjoyed in the city center if you want to view marine life. A little farther on the road from here are two local favorites Dux de Lux in which you can of beer has been brewed on site, including the famous Tom Ginger Ginger beer, and art gallery housed in a building a new modern and spacious. This is a nice place to spend an afternoon.


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